Library of Terms and FAQs
Designer Directed
This simply means that the Designer will oversee the design process with little to no input from the Client. This allows us to provide our Clients with competitively low prices, without sacrificing quality.
Standard Formatting
All of our publishing packages come with standard formatting. This means that we’ll provide quality Industry Standard formatting, which you’ll find in most professionally published books on the market. This increases the likelihood of our Clients’ books being accepted by major retailers like Walmart and Target.
Book Distribution
The Clients’ book will be distributed to Amazon and Barnes and Nobles, and they will distribute the book to their partners.
Image Insertion
Client will be provided with high-resolution stock images to include in his or her book.
Client Directed
This simply means that the Client will oversee the design process with little to no input from the Designer. This allows us our Clients to customize their orders whenever they have specific details that they’d like us to honor.
Premium Formatting
Premium formatting is our specialty formatting service, where we’ll add additional features like drop cap lettering, tables, premium fonts and more design elements to the interior of a book to make it more aesthetically pleasing. Please note that premium formatting is not included with our packages unless otherwise noted.
Expanded Book Distribution
Clients’ book will be distributed to Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Books-a-Million, iTunes and their partners.
Custom Drawn Image
We will provide our clients with a custom drawn image at their request.
Book Cover Designs
- For standard packages, our Clients are provided with up to two design concepts.
- Packages do not come with custom drawn images unless otherwise noted. Custom drawn images start at $149/image.
- Clients can provide their own covers, but this DOES NOT discount the price since our packages are already low. Instead, Client can opt to have us design a cover for another book or Client can gift the cover design to a friend or a stranger.
- If the Client hires another company or individual to design his/her cover, the design must be approved by Anointed Fire House™ if the Client is using one of our Hybrid packages.
- We reserve the right to advertise any and every cover designed by Anointed Fire House™. Any request otherwise is an additional $499/per book.
- With most packages, we design (at minimum) two covers for our Clients to choose from. Any cover not selected by our Client will be placed on our site, our social media and our partner sites for sell.
Custom Drawn Images
- Custom Drawn Images are not included in our packages, unless otherwise noted.
- Custom Drawn Images start at $149 each, and for this price, Client will receive one custom drawn image from two artists.
- Revisions for Custom Drawn images start at $49 per revision.
- Since we work with many artists who are not employed with Anointed Fire House™, we can not and will not give refunds or free revisions for Custom Images.
Video Book Trailers
- Video book trailers are included in some AFH packages and/or can be purchased separately.
- Anointed Fire House™ does NOT hire actors, actresses or videographers to create any video clips! Like other publishers, we are at the mercy of our partners who sell the use of stock videos through their websites. These partners do not hire actors, actresses or videographers as well. This means that it is possible that we won’t be able to find the exact video clips that you’re looking for, but we will do our best to find something as close to it as possible.
- Anointed Fire House™ has already partnered with some stock video websites, and this allows us to purchase and use videos at a reasonable price. We will NOT purchase videos from other licensures. Client is required to purchase any video clips he or she wants to add to his or her trailer if the clips we provide are not satisfactory to the Client.
- We use professional, high-resolution video lips (1080p or 4k) for our video trailers.
- Client submitted video clips must have a minimum resolution of 1080p, and must be accompanied by a license to prevent any copyright claims.
- Stock image sites provide limited use to images. For example, a standard license typically allows the individual or company who purchased the use of that image to print it 10,000 times. If and when a Client uses a stock image, it is the responsibility of that Client to renew or upgrade his or her license with the licensure. Anointed Fire House will not be held legally or morally responsible for the misuse or expiration of any license agreement.
- When using the Hybrid Publishing platform, it is mandatory to use an Anointed Fire approved editor.
- When using a Self Publishing package, Clients can use an external editor. Please note that we do not proofread books when the Client has not purchased editing services with their publishing packages.
- Anointed Fire House™ will determine the level of editing the Client’s book file needs, based on the complexity of the project and the word count.
Interior Formatting
- For Hybrid packages, Client does not have a say in how a book is formatted unless Client has a package that includes premium formatting or the Client purchases premium formatting with his or her package. This ensures that the Client’s book is more likely to be accepted, featured and sold through some of our partners. All of our interior formatting is Designer Directed and will reflect professional, industry standard formatting, unless Client has purchased premium formatting.
- Industry standard formatting is professional grade formatting that makes a book’s interior more attractive and easier to flow. Even our premium formatting services reflect the standards accepted and preferred by most major book sellers and retailers.
- Clients can submit images for the interior if those images are high-resolution. Additionally, Client submitted images must be paired with a license to ensure that no copyright issues arise.
- Premium formatting starts at $199, depending on the complexity of the project.
- Books that need extreme formatting will be rejected or the Client will be charged an additional fee, no less than $199.
Stock Images
- Anointed Fire House will provide stock images for Clients who request them, if these images are included in the packages that are chosen by the Clients.
- We do NOT hire models or photographers to create any images! Like other publishers, we are at the mercy of our partners who sell the use of images through stock image websites. These partners do not hire models as well. This means that it is possible that we won’t be able to find the exact image or pose that you’re looking for, but we will do our best to find something as close to it as possible.
- Stock image sites provide limited use to images. For example, a standard license typically allows the individual or company who purchased the use of that image to print it 10,000 times. If and when a Client uses a stock image, it is the responsibility of that Client to renew or upgrade his or her license with the licensure. Anointed Fire House will not be held legally or morally responsible for the misuse or expiration of any license agreement.
- Client submitted images must have a minimum resolution of 300dpi, and must be accompanied by a license to prevent any copyright claims.
- Anointed Fire House™ has already partnered with some stock image websites, and this allows us to purchase and use stock images at a reasonable price. We will NOT purchase stock images from other licensures. Client is required to purchase any stock images he or she wants to add to his or her book if the images we provide are not satisfactory to the Client.
Card Games
- Anointed Fire House™ will not and does not use stock images in card game designs. All images must be custom.
- Custom images start at $149/each.
- When a package includes a Designer Directed card game, Anointed Fire House™ will create one concept for the game. Additional concepts are $249/each. If a Client purchases a second concept, Client must keep in mind that he or she is paying us to draft an idea only, and both concepts are the property of Anointed Fire House™. Once the Client chooses the concept he or she wants, Anointed Fire House™ will publish that single concept into a game. Additional concepts will remain the copyright property of Anointed Fire House™.
- When a package includes a Client Directed card game, Anointed Fire House™ will create up to two concepts of the game. Additional concepts are $249/each. If a Client purchases a third concept, Client must keep in mind that he or she is paying us to draft an idea only, and all of the concepts are the property of Anointed Fire House™. Once the Client chooses the concept he or she wants, Anointed Fire House™ will publish that single concept into a game. Additional concepts will remain the copyright property of Anointed Fire House™.
What is the difference between Self Published books versus Hybrid Published books?
With self published books, you (the Client) are listed as the Publisher. You will retain 100% rights to your book, which means that you can publish your book wheresoever you please, and you have more design, content and formatting flexibility. The con, on the other hand is, major retailers look unfavorably upon self published authors. With Hybrid packages, on the other hand, your book is designed and formatted to meet industry standards. This increases the likelihood of your book being accepted and sold by major retailers, especially since you have the backing of a credible publisher. Another advantage of Hybrid publishing is, the only way we’ll earn a profit from your books is if we sell it from our site or we work with a major retailer to publish your book.
Why can't I have a say in how my book is formatted if I use a Hybrid publishing package?
Chances are, you are not familiar with industry standards. Most people aren’t. And if we allowed our Clients to oversee this process, we’d be rejected by most major retailers because, in truth, most of what people request to be done to their books or in their books is not only unprofessional, but it cheapens the value of a book in a major retailers’ eyes. So, if our name is going to be on a book, we require that the book in question meet industry standards. If you prefer your book formatted a different way, you can either purchase one of our premium formatting packages or you can publish your book through our self publishing platform. Please note, however, that all premium formatting packages are designed to meet industry standards. Any request(s) that places a book outside of industry standards will be denied if we are to be listed as the Publisher.
How would I order copies of my book once it's published?
You will work directly with the printer, and as the Author, you will pay for Author copies, which are oftentimes substantially less than the retail value.
If I have someone else designing my cover for me, can I get a discount on my publishing package?
No, our packages are already priced lower than most Publishers. You will, however, have a book cover credit with us that you can use for a future book cover or you can gift it to someone else IF we don’t have to adjust the cover you submit in any way. In the majority of cases when an author provides a cover designed with another company, we are required to adjust the cover to fit the book once it is complete. If and when this happens, we do not and will not offer a credit.
I want to submit my book to Anointed Fire House™, but I'm worried that it might be stolen. How do I prevent this from happening?
This fear is never warranted, even though it’s understood. If you have this question, more than likely, you are a first-time author. Please note that book theft is extremely rare because it is easy to prove who the original author is just by the timestamp on the author’s computer. All the same, there is no guarantee that a book will sell enough copies to warrant a potential lawsuit. With that said, you an rest assured that your book’s content will not be stolen by us, and it is rare than any other publisher or editor will steal the content. But if you need peace of mind, simply go to and register your book for a copyright. It is immediately protected the moment you file your application, even though it will likely take months for your certificate to arrive.
I want to use your Hybrid publishing platform, but what if I don't like the way you've formatted my book?
Remember this. We are trying to not only market your book to major retailers, but we are trying to form a partnership with as many major and minor retailers as possible. Most major retailers require a certain degree of excellence that is typically not found in the Self publishing arena. This is why most major retailers will not list or sale self published books. With that said, we always format books as if we are going to market them specifically to those retailers, meaning, your book will be excellently and professionally formatted. However, if you prefer premium formatting, you would need to purchase it at an additional cost. Premium formatting starts at $199.
Can I use my own editor?
Yes, you can use your own editor if you are purchasing a self publishing package, but if you are purchasing a Hybrid package, you will be required to use an AFH approved editor.
Anointed Fire House rejected the cover I submitted. Why is this, and what should I do next?
Chances are, the cover was not professionally created, the images on the cover were low-resolution and/or you (the Author) was unable to provide us with the license agreement proving that you have the rights to use those images. This puts us at risk for a copyright infringement claim. You can, however, switch to a Self Publishing package of equal or higher value (you will have to pay the difference), and as a Self Publisher, you can use whatever images, fonts or styles you want.